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Sarajevo -Terrorist Attack on American Embassy

November 10, 2011

Bosnian Muslim radicals attacking again. This time, the U.S. embassy. What is different this time, it seems that the entire Bosniak, Sarajevo‘s political élite, was involved with. But let’s start from the beginning.

A man identified as Bosniak Muslim wannabe Wahhabi  Mevlid Jasarevic, aged 23, and his two supporters  began shooting at the American embassy. But not before they were free to roam around Embassy and entire area for about forty-five minutes, followed by media outlets and police, who looked like giving them technical and media support..  The first evidence would seem to point to a psychiatric case and not a well-planned terrorist attack. But that is only what some on the West would like to be. After all it is hard to admit that bad guys in Bosnia are Bosniak Muslims and not Serbs. But let’s go on the event itself and videos published by Bosniak Muslim media outlets. Anyone who has carefully watched any video of that event,  had to stay stunned. How could one man armed to the teeth, so freely, and for so  long wander around the embassy, unless of course, everything  is  organized in advance by  wide range of political subjects, police and Bosniak political parties included.. The behavior of terrorists, police, reporters and passers-by, just refer to it.
The question is why? Why did they do it? The answer is not simple. First of all, they miscalculated, miscalculated the intelligence of the average person whoever has followed the event. That something was wrong it was immediately obvious even a little child. Condemnation of the event was  immediate and unanimous. Too  much  immediate and unanimous to be spontaneous. And what’s interesting, all without exception have suggested that the perpetrator was born in Serbia suggesting that he was a Serb. Second, they demanded the strengthening of institutions that they control, with the excuse that it is  the only way to fight against Islāmic terrorism. . Of course, strengthening at expenses of the  institutions that are not controlled by Muslim Bosniaks.
Fortunately, it seems, that this time international  community has not fallen on this story.

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